Although still not fully understood or widely accepted in the western world, energy healing has been time-tested for thousands of years and has now been proven by science to not only be effective on a wide variety of conditions, but also that the ability to channel healing energy, innately well-developed in some individuals, is a teachable skill inherent in all of us and this skill is totally independent of “belief”.
Numerous scientific studies have now shown that energy healing is a beneficial form of complementary medicine that boosts immunity, speeds recovery, promotes healing (miraculous healings in some cases), restores balance, and supports wellbeing. The Bengston Energy Method was developed by a researcher named Dr. William Bengston, who demonstrated in replicated studies that it cured cancer in mice. Cured it. Not sent it into remission – cured it such that when re-injected with the cancer, they didn’t develop cancer again, seeming to trigger a super-immune response in the body. This research has now been, and continues to be, further expanded upon in amazing and magical ways, proving healing intention can be stored, sent over vast distances, and directly alters our blood chemistry and genetic output. So very fascinating!
There are many ancient and modern energy healing modalities to choose from, but all centrally focus on interacting with our energy fields/systems to restore balance, allowing the body to then do what it is naturally designed to do: detoxify, heal, and return to homeostasis. While modern medicine focuses primarily on physiology, practitioners of energy healing focus more on the aspects of health that are non-physical because we have developed an understanding that human beings are not only physical, but we are also largely composed of information (energy) that interacts with other energies (the environment) in ways that profoundly impact our physical and emotional health.
Physiologically, our bodies interact with our environment through ambient fields like sound, light, electricity, and magnetism. These interactions generate massive amounts of information in the form of energy fields. In fact, each cell in our body functions like a little battery and has a voltage potential that controls the critical functions within that cell. There are many things that positively and negatively affect this voltage potential such as diet, our environment, and our thoughts, and there are many ways to restore this potential when depleted, and although energy healing is just one of those ways, it is very effective, very soothing, has no known negative side effects, and now has a growing body of solid research and success stories behind it.
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