Science-Based Modalities

Hypnosis: Empowering Transformation

In addition to being a safe and natural state that everyone progresses through on their way to sleep, hypnosis is also described by neuroscientists as a heightened state of focus, or a "learning state".

If you have ever been watching a movie or reading a book so intently that you didn't hear someone in the room speaking to you, or if you have ever been so lost in thought that you missed your turn while driving, or like me, showed up at the wrong place entirely (yikes!), you were likely in the lightest state of hypnosis, the alpha state. “In the zone" is a term used by many elite athletes and performers to describe their state of mind when accomplishing an unimaginable feat, and this “zone” is the hypnotic state. Children spend the majority of the first 7 years of their lives in an even deeper state of hypnosis, the theta state. These “states” are differentiated in part by the speed of our brainwaves and how they line up or "synchronize" and it is this synchronized, coherent brainwave state that allows us as children to learn to walk, talk, feed and dress ourselves, and absorb information so quickly like we do.

We really do show up in this world like little sponges or clumps of clay, and the majority of what ends up in our subconscious mind running the show later in life, we actually picked up between birth and age 7 from the “artists” around us. These influences include caregivers, siblings, teachers, relatives, peers, programming from school and television, etc. Some of us end up with amazing artists that give us what we need to thrive. Some of us...not so much.

Aside from what was ‘actually’ happening around us and to us as children, the latest research shows that the most important aspect of all of this is our tiny little perceptions of our worlds at that time. And it is during this very critical time of development that we pick up habits, adopt beliefs, make associations, and draw some very fundamental conclusions. We decide or “learn" whether we live in a safe or dangerous world. We learn whether we are worthy or not. We learn whether we are supported or not, and we either emotionally attach to our caregivers appropriately, or we do not, and we then subconsciously create our lives from this foundation, often learning the hard way that we received (or perceived) some shoddy information/materials along the way. So, it becomes up to us to repair our foundation, to create something better for ourselves, and thankfully, we absolutely have the power to do that. And when you do make the decision to take back control, repair your foundation, and create something new, 100% of the time the resulting artwork is by far more exquisite because it is now by YOUR design, and it incorporates all of the immense value gained from your past experiences.

I was taught in school that once we reached maturity, the brain began to “shrink” and decline, and that we were just stuck with what we had, forced to just cope if it wasn’t up to par. The new science of epigenetics has proven that to be totally false, demonstrating that until our last breath, our brains maintain the ability to learn, morph, change, and grow in response to use, and this use can be directed in healthy, beneficial, miraculously healing ways that literally change the neural wiring, increase brain mass, alter our genetics, and the chemical makeup of our blood. Hypnosis is a state and a technique that can be used to rewrite our computer software, remove our viruses and malware, and install the beneficial, desirable programs that we want to run instead. The Placebo Effect is very real. It has been scientifically proven that we can heal (or make ourselves sick, the Nocebo Effect) by thought alone, and this phenomenon and the ability to take control of it in a positive way is an innate, untapped potential within every human being. Life by design! Happiness really is an inside job!

There are many paths to healing and making improvements in your life. The modalities I offer are just a few of those paths to healing, and both hypnosis and energy work have now been scientifically proven to ignite self-healing for many. Do they fix and heal everything and everyone? No. Nothing is 100% in any healing or medical modality, but unlike the potential for negative side effects from drugs used to dampen symptoms, hypnosis and energy balancing techniques are never harmful and always uplifting and life-enhancing, and when combined with Neurolinguistic Programming, mindfulness practices, love, compassion, and self-forgiveness, they are powerhouses for transformation that can be utilized by people from all walks of life, even and especially children. These modalities literally are like massages or showers for the mind and energy field, and the results and success stories within my own life, my clients, and people all across the internet speak for themselves.

If you landed on this site in search of healing and have made it this far, thank you so much for stopping by and I applaud you for seeking to take the reins, break the patterns, and aim higher. Any positive change in you, positively impacts everyone around you and the entire planet. And whether you choose me, someone else, or to do it on your own, you CAN do it, so keep going! I believe all healing is actually self-healing at its root, but sometimes we just need a little help along the way. As Ram Dass so eloquently stated, "We're all just walking each other home."

If you do feel the call to work with me, it would be my absolute honor to reintroduce you to your power and accompany you on your journey home.

Love and blessings,


For more on the science of energy healing and hypnosis, please visit my blog (coming soon).

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